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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clueless Abstract

I decided to venture into abstract painting, stepping away from my usual landscapes and portraits. However, I struggled to break free from the confines of familiar shapes, finding myself fixated on circles. Despite experimenting with texture using thick acrylic mediums and iridescent paint, the end result fell short of my expectations.

Ultimately, I realized my true passion lies in landscapes and portraits. While I admire those who can craft wonders from a blank canvas, my imagination seemed to have taken a vacation. Nonetheless, I remain optimistic that with practice, my abstract attempts will improve, and my imagination will return in full force.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Light My Way

This little 3x3 painting was done on a whim. A doodle painting on paper canvas.

Little Red Canoe

This painting was inspired by a greeting card I received. I used acrylics with a watercolor application on a
9 x 12 canvas paper. If I could live in one of my painting this would be it. Where there is only breath taking beauty, nature, and tranquility.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Backwater Geese

This painting was inspired from the backwaters of the Mississippi River. One of the things I like about this painting is the complete feeling of relaxation.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Family Photos

Palisades Park provides an exceptional backdrop for capturing unforgettable family moments. With its picturesque scenery and inviting ambiance, it's the perfect setting for creating cherished memories. However, coordinating a family photo with our large and dispersed family—comprising my husband, seven kids, and six grandkids can be quite the endeavor.

Scenic Paintings

These are some of my first paintings done on 9x12 canvas paper


Mississippi Palisades Park

These are a couple photos I had taken while at Palisades park. I used Photoshop 5 to turn a rather dull picture into something more interesting.

The "Blue Woods" photo I used Photoshop 5. I created this effect by implementing the tools in full edit mode. Look in filters, render and then lighting effects and then select the blue omni. I enjoy discovering the different photo effects you can find with editing tools. Best to just dig in a see what happens. Experiment and see where it takes you or what can be discovered. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

"White-Throated Sparrow" and "Bear Woods"

Paintings were done on an 8x10 stretched canvas.

Clouds Of A Different Color

My family and I took a day trip to Savanna, Illinois to visit the beautiful Mississippi Palisades Park. While, driving I noticed these fantastic clouds with monochromatic tones and thought it was interesting.

Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge

My latest painting is of the Interstate 80 bridge, better known as the "Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge". My husband and I have a home not far from this bridge, so I thought it might be an interesting but challenging subject to paint. My favorite image of this bridge is as the night falls and city lights reflect off the water creating a kaleidoscope effect over the Mississippi. 

Originally, I wanted to paint the night scape but my camera (Kodak DX7590) was not able to capture the true essence of what I was seeing. The photograph that served as inspiration predates the bustling development and tourism surge in Le Claire, Iowa.

2024 Update: 
Most mobile smartphones have cameras that capture images as good as a DSLR digital single-lens reflex) camera. Image of Fred Schwendel Bridge at dusk.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Creek Street

This painting was inspired from the famous Creek Street in Ketchikan, Alaska. It was also a gift to my folks since Ketchikan has been their favorite vacation spot for the past 20 years.

Forest Moss

This painting was inspired by a photo I found in a calendar. The moss and the waterfall was what captivated me. When I finished the painting I was happy with the trees but disappointed in the waterfall and the surrounding rocks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Portrait Painting

Here's a new venture: my first attempt at portrait painting. Unlike my usual process of sketching before applying paint, I dove straight into the painting itself this time. While the proportions of the subject ended up being a bit off, I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could pull it off without initial sketching. However, it's clear that I still have many more hours of practice ahead of me to refine my skills.

My Artful Journey

[First acrylic painting in 2006]


Life's Lessons Served on the Canvas

My earliest and fondest memories revolve around the act of drawing, doodling, and coloring. In the midst of a tumultuous childhood, art provided me with a sanctuary, offering a pathway towards positivity and focus, ultimately becoming a lifeline.

During my teenage years, fate intervened through a simple art brochure found in a magazine.

 Little did I know that completing those illustrations would set in motion a journey toward artistic expression. Despite my parents' lack of enthusiasm, I seized the opportunity and sent in my application to the Art School featured in the brochure. Although their disinterest led me away from pursuing formal art education, my passion for creativity remained undiminished.

Leaving home before my sophomore year, I sought refuge with my bio-father in another state, where I completed high school and graduated in 1983. However, the itch to express myself creatively persisted, leading me to enroll in beauty school. Channeling my pent-up energy into hairstyling, I obtained my cosmetology license and embarked on a career in various salons, yet a lingering sense of artistic dissatisfaction persisted.

Throughout the years, amidst life's trials and tribulations, I found solace in doodling, particularly during moments of melancholy. Despite lacking formal training, the act of drawing served as a therapeutic outlet, albeit one plagued by self-doubt and frustration. Yet, even in the depths of despair, seeds of improvement were sown, nurtured by the art projects I assisted my children with.

As the years progressed into the mid-2000s, the discovery of resources for learning art offered a newfound sense of hope and direction. Trips to the library became opportunities for exploration, uncovering a wealth of "How to" books and inspiration. Engaging in art projects with my children not only fostered creativity but also reignited my passion for painting, a revelation that sparked a journey of self-discovery and growth.

With the advent of online tutorials, a whole new world of learning unfolded before me. Through platforms like YouTube, I delved into various painting techniques, honing my skills from the comfort of home. The marriage of technology and creativity provided a gateway to self-expression and fulfillment, propelling me further along my artistic journey.

Through it all, art emerged as a beacon of light, warding off the shadows of depression and despair. While my upbringing may not have included formal religious practice, I've come to recognize a guiding force, a divine presence that has walked alongside me through life's trials and triumphs. In the tapestry of my existence, art and faith intertwine, weaving a narrative of resilience, redemption, and renewal.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I couldn't believe my eyes...

Around 7:00 a.m. my daily routine begins with making coffee. While, I was filling my filter with coffee grounds something caught my attention. I stopped what I was doing and looked out my kitchen window. On a typically normal day, I would see our wooded backyard with our pond tucked nicely between a canopy of trees and landscape. Hidden...almost, or at least so I thought!
There, standing next to our beautiful pond was the worst possible predator our Koi and Gold fish could ever image...Heron! I opened my patio doors and SHOUTED. The Heron did not budge instead he lowered his long neck out of my site. Sensing, what was to come! Horrified, I felt helpless as I stood watching my pet fish, my husband and I nurtured for the past 5 years was about to be breakfast for a hungry Heron. I quickly ran from the house hoping to save the fish. As, I got close to the Heron he had already plucked a Gold fish from the pond. The Heron stood his ground, his beady little eyes watching me. I tried to scare him in hopes he would drop the fish but it was too late he turned and flew off with fish in beak! It was a sad day indeed...

Fall Fever



Draped in fog
Blanket of dew
Shorter days
Cooler nights
Spring splendor
Spread it's seeds
Summer blooms 
Have met their doom
Fall leaves 
Cornucopia of color
Winter straight ahead! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Labor Day: The Last Summer Holiday

Well, summer is just about over...In the midwest, that means getting hunkered down for the long winter ahead.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Partial updo hairstyle

Beautiful day today! Wishing summer would not end :( Spent the day fixing my daughter Em's hair for an upcoming dance. She loved her new style. We took advantage of the beautiful day and took a few pictures. Later, this photo became my inspiration for an oil painting to give for a graduation present.

Nursery Paintings Cont

I love looking for painting projects to do. Often to try to enhance my skills as an artist. But recently I found out  that I’m going to have...