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Monday, June 18, 2012

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susans symbolize encouragement, motivation, and resilience. They are often associated with positivity, determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Additionally, they can represent admiration and appreciation for someone's strength and endurance.

These sunny flowers evoke bittersweet memories of my childhood. I remember one summer vividly: I was just a kid, splashing in my kiddy pool next to the flower garden my mom had painstakingly planted near our backyard play area. The air was filled with laughter and joy until a bumblebee, drawn by the commotion, appeared. Suddenly, a piercing scream escaped my throat, shattering the tranquility. My mother, sitting nearby, rushed over in a panic. I remember the terror as I saw something lodged in my arm—a black, sticky object, pulsating and oozing. My skin swelled up, red and inflamed, like a grotesque balloon. The pain was excruciating, a stark contrast to the blissful moments that had just passed.

The sight of these beautiful golden blooms stirs painful memories, yet I love having them as part of my garden. I foggily recall the moment when my divorce was imminent—I had just finished planting my Black-Eyed Susans, their bright petals shimmering in the sunlight. It struck me then, the irony of how such delicate flowers could evoke contrasting emotions: the pain of a chapter closing, and a reminder of resilience and the beauty that can emerge from difficult times.

As for my artistic pursuits, painting flowers remains a challenging subject for me. Despite my reluctance, I persist in capturing their likeness on canvas, and maybe one day I will be happy with the result. In the meantime, I find solace in the way their natural beauty mirrors the complexities of life.

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