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Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Autumn Bliss" Completed!

Autumn Bliss

Finally finished! Actually, I really wanted to keep finding things to change but every time I did the painting changed. And it was not always for the better! One of my favorite things about this painting is the tree lined pathway of light. I wanted the painting to have an alluring effect! In order to do this I used the variations of the two colors orange and blue. It was a difficult task finding the right colors that coordinated with the actual photograph I used for this painting. In the photograph, the leaves on the trees appeared to be more yellowish in color with the ground leaves a rust or orange color. I played with many different colors for the path, tree trunks, and leaf colors. All of which were changed several times before I finished. The background also changed from being a soft pink to gray then finished with the white. I really did not want white as the final background but I was not sure which color offered the best contrast to the foreground. As I was nearing the end I found my changes were not making a great impact on the painting. Typically, when I'm at the final stage of the painting it is those fine details that can make or break a painting...that's my this case those details did not add much. So I called it, DONE! Like with all of my paintings, it is a learning process I find the most valuable. With each painting I am always learning and discovering more about the artist in me. I am not sure what I enjoy most the painting or the lessons I learn along the way, maybe both.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Autumn Is Golden

Fall is my favorite time of year. The warm golden colors spark an emotional serenity that only this season can fulfill. I'm posting pictures of the beginning of my newest painting "Autumn Bliss"! More pictures will follow as I progress.


"Autumn Bliss" is a 24 X 30 canvas using acrylic paints. I wanted to do this painting in oil but after my last painting of my son's portrait I decided to go back to acrylic. I prefer oils but do not have the patience to wait for each layer to dry. I may paint this on a smaller canvas using oil after I finish this project.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Graduation Gift Received

Collin's graduation party was a great success. He loves the portrait I painted of him but I know he really liked the flat screen TV the most. I ask Collin if he wanted to hang the portrait of him in his dorm but he told me, "He wanted me to hang onto it so nothing happens to it!" I had to giggle because I was hoping he would say that. I didn't want one of his new room mates throwing darts or doing something mischievous to ruin it. Here's a picture of Collin with his portrait!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Completing My Son's Portrait

My son's portrait is complete, however, I still have this urge to make some minor adjustments. Since I consider myself a novice artist I fear those adjustments could make the painting worse than before. On the other hand, since I am still learning I need to force myself to experiment. My son graduated from high school recently and I plan to give him this portrait as a gift. However, I'm sure he'll love the flat screen tv I plan on getting him for his dorm at college much more!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Getting There!

I have been waiting patiently for this painting to dry (which is the most difficult part of this process) before moving to the next layer of paint. I have been reading how glazing can greatly enhance a painting. Since this is a learning process for me I'm not quite sure where, how much, or color selection to glaze with so I will keep posting my process. I am happy with how this painting is progressing. My wish is that it would look more realistic, however, I can certainly say it is way better than my acylic portrait I did a year ago. Practice does make a difference!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Bite Of Information!

I have been reading online how to avoid painting teeth because of how difficult they are to paint...boy, how right they were. However, I actually prefer a smiling face rather than a somber one. I am sure with lots of practice it will become easier. Another thing that caught my eye while I was weeding through "The do's and don't's of painting" some artist think painting from a picture isn't art because you cannot capture the essence of the person you're painting. I can see their point of view but since I am still learning I feel a photo is as good of a place to start. I will say this I constantly strive to do better and to learn as much as I can through reading, watching, and practice. I feel art is ever evolving in tools and resources and some individuals implement what is preferred, comfortable, or what they know how to do. For example, I have had no art education and I feel that limits me because of the lack of knowledge and know how but I am not letting that cripple me because I have a deep desire to learn more and want to strive to get better. What I don't like about art critics or people that criticize your works of art is the negativity they spread. In my opinion, if you love to paint DO IT whether people like what you do or not... Do it for YOURSELF! One of the reasons I want to paint is to have something to give to my kids and future generations of grandchildren. Hopefully, it will inspire one them to become an amazing artist one day! I feel Art is an important part of our culture and it is a shame that most schools do not recognize it as a major part of student core curriculm as with Math, Science, and English. Ok...I'll step down from my soap box now!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Portrait Continued...

My First Oil Portrait!

This is my latest project. I enjoyed working with oil on my last painting thought I would give it another try. The portrait is of my son. Since his graduation is right around the corner I thought he might like a painting of himself...RIGHT :)
Painting a portrait in oils have been a challenge, however, I love the creamy texture and the ease of blending. On the flip side, I am impatient and want to keep painting and find that the colors get muddy. So I guess I need to wait for layers to dry before I move on. I'll post more pictures as I go.

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Oil Painting!

Working with oils are definitely different from acrylic. However, there are some pluses and minus to each as I'm sure I'll discover along the way. One of the things I really like about acrylic is the fast drying time which allows me to paint longer. On the other hand, I also like the slow drying time of oil which allows me time away from my painting to make adjustments later on. Oil also forces me to slow down and concentrate more which is a daughting task since I'm impatient. The painting below is my first attempt at working with oils. As for my inspiration, I used a photograph I had taken of my daughter several years ago and decided to try something a little different when creating this painting. I wanted to work with only a few different shades of color since my last painting was all about color. I had thought about a monochromatic feel but wanted to experiment with a few more colors. As a result, I thought the painting was alright but lacking. It may have been my color selection but, whatever! I'll chalk it up to learning since it was a practice painting anyway. What I love about painting is the challenge and accomplishment of a finished piece. Even though the painting may not always come out the way you imagine it in your mind...there is always something new you learn along the way about yourself and your art!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

IT'S FINALLY DONE! At least for now :)

This painting took more time then I originally planned. I feel it turned out ok but of course not as well as I would have liked. I finished with a signiture and found a home on my wall. My painting sure looks better than the poster of "Monet" I had that was faded.
I first started this painting Jan. 1, 2010 and finished it Mar 20. I changed the background several times before I felt a wee bit satisfied. But I still feel like it's missing something. I'm just not sure yet what it is. I just chalk it up as a growing and learning experience...So, I decided to move on to my next project. Maybe, with my last painting being off my mind I may go back to it later with fresh eyes.

Those of you stopping by to visit my blog...I would love to read any comments that you may have! Thanks :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Newest Painting "Monet" Inspired

This is my newest painting done in acrylic on a 30 X 24 canvas. Not quite finished but it's coming along. The main reason I chose this "Monet" inspired piece was due to a poster I have in my living room that has faded with the years. So I wanted a fresh painting and I knew I could come close to recreating this beautiful painting. I love how the path draws you in. I'll post again when I finally finish this painting.

Nursery Paintings Cont

I love looking for painting projects to do. Often to try to enhance my skills as an artist. But recently I found out  that I’m going to have...