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Monday, May 13, 2024

A Mother’s Whisper Echoes

This small painting was created for my mom as a Mother’s Day gift before her death in 2019. 

Before learning to paint; going to the store to shop for a gift seem more like a chore than a giving notion. Especially, when I did not have a lot of indispensable income to spend on a gift no matter who the recipient.

However, creating a gift seemed more traditional and practical. Although, years ago you could say some of my family was not thrilled with receiving one of my homemade paintings. As a matter of fact, those paintings either ended up in a circle file or tucked deep in the back of a closet. 

Like anything the more one continues to experiment and practice the more growth and potential one grows at improving their skill. Especially paired with passion and determination.

As a result, my mom and other family member's became a fan of my art and eventually looked forward to receiving a painting as a gift.

When you lose a loved one, such as a parent. Their spirit lives on within the heart of the one who carries forth their memory. My mom continues to shine bright like the sun!

Mother & Daughter celebrate Mother’s Day
before mom passed in 2019

In the stillness of dawn's gentle light,  
Where memories dance in softest flight,  
I feel your spirit, calm and near,  
In whispered winds that dry my tears.

Though your voice has left this earthly stage,  
In echoes, it lingers, age to age.  
Through mirrored eyes and shared embrace,  
I glimpse your love, a timeless grace.

Grief's shadow, faithful yet to fade,  
Guides me through this quiet glade.  
With each sunrise, I am learning to heal,  
Embracing whispers that time reveals.

And in the cardinal's vibrant hue,  
I find solace, a hint of you.  
A symbol of hope, in every wing,  
A melody of love, forever to sing.

An angel dressed in red,  
Sent from above to keep watch.  
Days turn into years, returning with each season,  
Until our spirits embrace everlastingly.

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