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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Diving Sea Turtle

Oh ancient sea turtle, free and bold,
Diving to the depths untold,
Rising high with grace and might,
To nest upon the shore at night.

Lay your eggs with hope and care,
A legacy beyond compare,
Return to the sea, where elders glide,
In endless currents, side by side.

Swim on, majestic soul so grand,
Through azure waters, vast and grand,
Your spirit shines, forever strong,
Inspiring hearts with nature's song.

The Diving Sea Turtle painting was inspired by the world-renowned photographer Jordan Robins, whose work is extraordinary. I love how he captures his subjects and his use of perspective, especially in combining the sea, subject, and sky in a single frame.

The photograph served as both inspiration and a guide to replicate the subject leaping off the canvas, mirroring the impact of the original image. Unfortunately, the painting did not turn out as well as intended but did provide a valuable lesson.

Now, this painting adorns the wall of my hair salon, adding a touch of interest. More importantly, I eagerly anticipate the arrival of the print I ordered from Jordan Robins to share with his painted companion.

To see more Jordan Robins Photography click the link.

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